The Witch's Library

Welcome to my blog! Now, be warned — I have lots of interests and am happily enthusiastic about many of them. Therefore, you’ll likely find posts not just on writing or Witchery, but also on (but not limited to) life in general, books, cetaceans, Taylor Swift, words, music and lyrics, pop culture, gaming, creativity, personal development, Multiple Sclerosis, knitting, spirituality, and magic. Below, you can find my latest posts, or you can always visit the Archives

[Review] The Witchling’s Girl by Helena Coggan

The Witchling’s Girl is a lyrical and magical story about Hayley, the titlular Witchling’s Girl, who was born with death-magic and is given to Marian for further instruction in magic. We follow Hayley as she grows up into the role of the Witching — the town’s healer and midwife to

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